Ptarmigan on nüüdseks suletud.

Ptarmigan tegutses Tallinnas aastatel 2011-2014. Veebilehelt on leitav arhiiv nendel aastatel aset leidnud üritustest. Meie tegevus Tallinnas on lõppenud.


collaboration #14
L, 02. aug. 2014, 00:00:00 +0000 19:00 - 20:00
Featuring artist: Jasmin Schaitl and William "Bilwa" Costa

collaboration is an ongoing series of performances, that address the physical relationship between two artists, while exploring the correlation between, and potentials of: 

  • proximity – distance, transformation – alteration, 
  • tempo – stillness, duration – ephemerality, 
  • and duality – unison.

Using limited materials, each performance focuses on simultaneous actions, and the point where these actions phase, oscillate, and/or conjoin. These actions are repetitive, consistent, clear, precise, thorough and definite. Without narrative, they leave the audience time to assess the actions and interpret or propose her/his own meaning, content and thoughts.

The remnants of these performances are intentional, and remain as visual art installations.

collaboration #14 is a new performance, to be developed by the duo while in residency in Tartu. The duration is one hour.

collaboration #14 is supported by Bundeskanzleramt Österreich and the Austrian Embassy Tallinn.