Ptarmigan on nüüdseks suletud.

Ptarmigan tegutses Tallinnas aastatel 2011-2014. Veebilehelt on leitav arhiiv nendel aastatel aset leidnud üritustest. Meie tegevus Tallinnas on lõppenud.


Pasta Modulare (Tallinn modular meet-up)
show and tell : meet-up : social gathering
L, 23. aug. 2014, 00:00:00 +0000 14:00
juhendab Hobilabor

Pasta Modulare is the first modular synthesizer meet-up in Tallinn, for modular synthesizer enthusaists and hackers. At this event you can show off your projects, explore what others are doing, and meet others in the modular synth scene.