Ptarmigan on nüüdseks suletud.

Ptarmigan tegutses Tallinnas aastatel 2011-2014. Veebilehelt on leitav arhiiv nendel aastatel aset leidnud üritustest. Meie tegevus Tallinnas on lõppenud.


Ptarmiganin Kirpputori
kirpputori / flea market
L, 03. apr. 2010, 00:00:00 +0000

Klo 12-19

Come to Ptarmigan and sell your things at our first flea market! Because space is limited, it will be available as a first-come, first-serve basis.  There is no fee for selling things! We hope you will find unusual and interesting items to buy, as we expect our community has unusual and interesting items to sell. Come by, hang out, have some coffee or tea and shop.

Table space is limited, so get their early or maybe bring a blanket for the floor.