Ptarmigan is now closed.

Ptarmigan operated in Tallinn from 2011-2014. We no longer maintain any presence in Tallinn, but this website will continue to serve as an archive of the activities produced at Ptarmigan during these years.


Svamp Helsinki, September 2011
workshop : sound : improvisation : music
15 september 2011 00:00 18:00 - 20:00
del av projektet: Svamp
presenteras av Äänen Lumo

Svamp is a monthly workshop for music improvisation, organized as a collaboration between Ptarmigan and Äänen Lumo. It does not involve money, careers or obligations - only interpersonal and sound relationships. Svamp sessions may range from free collective improvisation to directed exercises or game-playing. You do NOT have to be a professional or trained musician - just someone with an interest in sound, an open mind, and the ability to listen.

The session is open to anyone interested - please bring with you something to make sound with (an acoustic or electronic instrument, voice, objects/devices etc). We'll meet at 6pm on next Thursday at XL Art Space, which shares premises with Indian Summer clothing store in Kaisaniemi. The room is quite small and volume levels should be kept fairly low, so avoid huge or overpowering instruments. Be self-sufficient with your instrument - don't assume the availability of any equipment.