Ptarmigan on nüüdseks suletud.

Ptarmigan tegutses Tallinnas aastatel 2011-2014. Veebilehelt on leitav arhiiv nendel aastatel aset leidnud üritustest. Meie tegevus Tallinnas on lõppenud.


The Questions Project - online survey
online participation : contribution : art-making
N, 20. okt. 2011, 00:00:00 +0000 - N, 03. nov. 2011, 00:00:00 +0000 ongoing


If you could choose what you want art to be... what would it look like, be made of, communicate and evoke?


This online survey is the first stage of The Questions Project. Please visit the website: and fill in your answers about 'if you could choose what you wanted art to be...' 



The anonymous answers from stage 1 of The Questions Project will directly influence the process, intentions, and outcomes of the art-making workshops that will culminate as stage 2 of the project in late 2011.