Ptarmigan on nüüdseks suletud.

Ptarmigan tegutses Tallinnas aastatel 2011-2014. Veebilehelt on leitav arhiiv nendel aastatel aset leidnud üritustest. Meie tegevus Tallinnas on lõppenud.


Tools To Translate: TID workshop
P, 08. juuli 2012, 00:00:00 +0000 klo 14:00-18:00
osa projektist: perfhop

The project Translation is Dialogue (TID) will facilitate the introduction of the theories of translation. Arlene & Sari, workshop initiators, will offer a series of dynamic exercises; movement, verbal, visual, performative, linguistic and semiotic, to help understand the process of interpretation.  The aim of the workshop is to create collaborative artistic outputs. 

Arlene Tucker's art practice is inspired by the interaction between an artist or artwork and the viewer. She is interested in creating art and art installations that tell stories and that engage the viewer; that invite the viewer on stage to be a part of the storytelling or art creation process.

Sari TM Kivinen is an artist and cultural producer working with text, performance, video and people. Sari is born and bred in Brisbane, Australia and currently resides in Helsinki, Finland. Her creative investigations explore social roles, real and imagined histories and (auto)biography.

Photo credit: Digital painting by Nathan Lay 'Three Translations From Brain to JPEG'

Carousel photo credit: Still photo from Leyna Marika Papach's video 'the body is a'