Ptarmigan on nüüdseks suletud.

Ptarmigan tegutses Tallinnas aastatel 2011-2014. Veebilehelt on leitav arhiiv nendel aastatel aset leidnud üritustest. Meie tegevus Tallinnas on lõppenud.


There's a lot happening at Ptarmigan during the rest of the summer.


Sara Evelyn-Brown & Meera Shakti Osborne (UK) visit Tallinnn with their Human Space project, which explores the city though deliberately incorrect maps during walks on Wednesday and Thurdsay 30-31 July, and then dissects the experience with a workshop on Friday 1 August. It's free - just register.

Jasmin Schaitl and William 'Bilwa' Costa are familiar faces, having performed and led workshops multiple times in the past. They come back in early August to lead the sense and experience workshop, a three day investigation into improvisation, sound and movement. There are still spaces left, and you can register here.

In late August, artist-in-residence Marko Timlin will lead a workshop on interactive, sensor-based music systems. The workshop will explore how sensors can be used to further interaction for sound design, installations or instrument building. It will use Arduino and Max/MSP among other technologies. Registration is here.


Performance and sound:

This Friday, Mexican sound artist Mario de Vega stops by Ptarmigan for an afternoon artist talk and presentation of his work, before performing at Katla Aed in the evening. It starts at 15:00.

Bilwa and Jasmin will perform collaboration #014, in their on-going series, at the beginning of their residency. The sense and experience workshop will also culminate in a performance on the evening of 10 August, for friends and family of the workshop participants (and anyone else interested).

Japanese/Austrian performer Arai Mayumi will perform 'untitled' on 6 August. This durational performance is built around a large transparent plastic sheet and will go from 17:00 - 20:00.

Finnish underground music legends Avarus FINALLY visit Ptarmigan Tallinn to perform, in an all-day mini-festival called Jökkijäkkisnäcki 2. On 16 August, Avarus and a bunch of their offshoot side projects will play, along with new Tallinn/Helsinki band Third Approach.

Marko Timlin will showcase his Sensor-Sound-Machine creation in a small concert on the evening of 30 August.


Gatherings and other meetups:

Our largest production of the year is the Kompass event, a gathering for Estonian and Latvian culture creators, artists and activitists. The theme of the event is 'public space' and will occur over two days with an un-conference, presentations and discussions, and speed workshops. Kompass is designed not just to connect like-minded people but to actually establish some new initiatives. More information can be found on the Kompass website.

Tallinn's modular synth community will have a meetup on 23 August at Ptarmigan, for people building their own synths and similar projects to show off what they have done and meet others.

Our ongoing Avatud Toimingud series concludes, first with EKKM's Anders Härm on 20 August, and then with Ptarmigan volunteer John W. Fail on 10 September. These events always include lively discussions about the ways in which we organise art and culture events, and seek to de-mystify the process. Avatud Toimingud is supported by the Estonian Ministry of Culture.